Ecuador – From the "navel of the moon" to the "navel of the Earth": a vocational journey

(ANS - Quito) - "Whether you are here or there, you're no longer a stranger, you are part of a Church and a Congregation, open yourself to the experience and live every day with passion, in the navel of the moon , or in the navel of the earth.” These were the words spoken by his father, when a young Mexican called Alán Benigno González Castañeda went to Ecuador to begin a new experience.

How did you hear the call of God in your life?   

I heard my first call to religious life at the age of 13 but I was 20 when I decided to listen to the voice of God. I am a biologist by profession and it was during my time at university that I received the call. So, while I continued my studies, I began a process of vocational discernment. Then in October 2013 I went to live at "Don Bosco House" with indigenous children.

What have you done since you decided to listen to God?

After Don Bosco House, I was sent to Irapuato to continue my education. Then I was sent to the missions at Oaxaca. On 24 May 2016 I handed in my letter of request to enter the pre-novitiate. However, I received an early reply: "Your case is special, you're the only candidate, let us reflect on your situation." So I waited, and waited...

And what was the answer?

Days passed, and finally on 24 June I was told: "Your destination is Ecuador, a very Salesian country." The idea of ​​leaving my country had never crossed my mind, but such are the ways of the Lord. Now in the pre-novitiate I have met my new community. There is a joyful environment with great trust and I received a very friendly welcome.

What sentiments arise at this early stage of your life and how do you feel?

We began our pre-novitiate on 15 August. The words of my godfather were: "Allow Jesus and Mary to change your mind and heart." There are thirteen pre-novices, accompanied by two priests and two Salesian brothers, all from different parts of Ecuador and other countries. When I told this to my parents, they told me: "Son, remember that Mexico means the navel of the Moon and now you are in the navel of the Earth."


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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