Ecuador - Sending of International Missionary Volunteers: Seven young people begin their path of obedience and service
Cayambe, Ecuador – November 2024 - Mass was celebrated at the St John Bosco Church in Cayambe, with the sending of seven young international volunteers who will carry out missions in Bolivia and Peru. This ceremony was part of a joint process with the National Meeting of Missionary Groups, an event that gave the volunteers the opportunity to share their personal testimony. During these meetings the young people explained how they fell in love with mission, stressing that mission is not only an act of giving, but also of receiving and learning. In addition, they encouraged other young people to listen and respond to the Lord's call. The celebration of the Eucharist was presided over by Fr Marcelo Farfán, Superior of the Salesian Province of Ecuador (ECU), who during his homily stressed three fundamental principles for missionaries: "obedience to God, generosity in what I am and in what I have and trust", stressing that "the more generous they are, the more they will receive; this is how God works." The Provincial also pointed out that these seven young people are part of the first joint groups that send international missionary volunteers, thus paving the way for future missions to other continents.
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