Democratic Republic of Congo – The first nine years of the Vétéran Club Don Bosco: a group, a conviction, a commitment

23 November 2023

(ANS – Goma) – On 12 November the team of the Vétéran Club Don Bosco (VC Don Bosco) Goma celebrated its ninth anniversary, with a program worthy of its Salesian spirituality. The group consists of men and women of all ages: the elderly, adults, young adults and children. It came into being from the Salesian oratory at the Industrial Technical Institute of Goma (ITIG), managed for many years by Salesian Brother Honorato Alonso. On the occasion of its first nine years, the "VC Don Bosco" wanted to spend a day with the poorest among the poorest, to share their challenges and suffering with them.

The day began at the ITIG, with a thanksgiving Mass, followed by a photo session. Then, the group moved to Bulengo, one of the largest refugee camps just outside the city of Goma, on the Goma-Sake road. Here the situation is really dramatic and the camp offers a clear testimony of a long, cruel and complex war. People survive thanks to the help of some local and international NGOs, but health and safety conditions are lacking and young people do not even have the opportunity to study, thus ending up wandering. There is also no respect for the rules of social coexistence.

The "VC Don Bosco" wanted to visit and help these innocent marginalised people, who patiently seek a better perspective. The group decided to give them a small contribution, called "The basket of St John Bosco". Each member has put money, food, clothes and anything that can be useful to those who have nothing in the basket. As the proverb says, in fact, "No one is so poor as to have nothing to share". Thus, on Sunday, 12 November, the "VC Don Bosco" gave the refugees at Bulengo everything they were able to collect and the beneficiaries thanked them with great humility.

At the end of the visit to the Bulengo camp, the whole group returned to the ITIG in Goma, to share a moment of reflection and fraternity. Afterwards there was room for some recreational activities, such as two football matches, one between women and one between men, and the sharing of lunch. The "VC Don Bosco", at the end of the day, expressed the hope that what they did could inspire others to do the same.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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