This idea of abandonment, of lack has led to imagine this seminar as a think tank in which, inspired by the recent teaching of the congregation and accompanied by the Church's magisterium, by the expectations of the local Churches, the participants sought to reflect on and sketch a shared Italian Salesian style, which can lead us to "do without": do without personalism, do without individualism, do without sectoralism.
Urged by the publication of the document “The parish and the Shrine entrusted to the Salesians” by the Youth Ministry Sector of the Congregation, through this study seminar we sought to continue the reflection by promoting an exchange between the Italian Provinces on some issues that are particularly significant for the national context. The work carried out during the seminar was not intended to draw up a new document, but rather to develop a common sensitivity among all, to offer the Provincials shared perspectives to address some particular situations.
The work of was opened by two reflections: one by Fr Miguel Ángel García Morcuende, General Councillor for Youth Ministry, for the part concerning the Congregation; and the other by Archbishop Luigi Renna, archbishop of Catania, for an in-depth study of the expectations of the local Churches of the Salesians. Then, through the focus groups, an exchange of best practices was made for a national convergence on the theme of the Salesian parish.
“I really hope that these days can be an opportunity to do without, to open up to the possibility of doing with, in an eminently synodal and participative style”, testified one of the organisers.