Slovakia - General Assembly and Elections for Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco

17 October 2023

Žilina, Slovakia – October 2023 - On Saturday 14th October, the General Assemblies of the National Federation of the Past Pupils and the Friends of Don Bosco in Slovakia were held at the Salesian School in Žilina.  The elections for a new Governing Council were held for the next 6 years -for the post of the president, two vice-presidents (one of which for the GEX), and six other members of the Slovakian National Council. 

Results: Róbert Mruk was re-elected for his second term as president for the next six years. Jozef Pekľanský and Ján Synák (for GEX) were re-elected as vice-presidents assuring continuity of the mission. Out of 6 council members elected, 4 were part of the existing council while the other 2 (one of which is a young person of 20 years old), were new. The beauty of the composition of the new council consists if its plurality of a wide geographic representation -with 3 members representing the Bratislava region and the west of the country, 3 from the east and the remaining 3 from the central north. Fr Peter Timko (Provincial), Fr Pavol Grach (the Delegate in-charge) and the Rectors of two Salesian communities Fr Jozef Sarnecký and Fr Dominik Felber also participated in the Assembly. In addition to the elections, the General Assembly also celebrated the Holy Mass for all the past pupils of Don Bosco, while dedicating time for discussions and a time of listening to each other.

The main theme of the meeting was on:

  • how to attract young people,
  • how to involve passive members,
  • how to be even more useful to Salesians and young people &
  • how to help each other.

Some valuable suggestions were raised, which the new Council will continue to discuss and adopt necessary measures during their term.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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