It was precisely the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, who offered the appropriate key to understanding the course, in his homily at the final Mass of the course, which he celebrated in the St Francis de Sales chapel in Valdocco. “You have done a very beautiful and demanding job, and you now return home with the awareness that you need to take great care of that part of the Congregation that the Lord has entrusted to you,” the 10th Successor of Don Bosco began.
Then, mentioning a recent encounter he had had with an elderly former Oratorian student of Valdocco, he recounted how the latter had confided in him that he thought the chapel of St Francis de Sales – that is, the church where he was presiding at the Eucharist – was more beautiful today with all its marble than before with its plaster from Don Bosco's time. The anecdote served as an inspiration to the Rector Major to observe how there are things that change over time because they express the aesthetics of a particular time, and others that must always remain because they are essential.
“Back home, you will have to look at the essential: the art of looking after the people next to us” Fr Artime noted. “Wherever there is a youngster, just being there can give life to our days” he added.
Therefore, “In a world full of increasingly technological challenges" the 10th Successor of Don Bosco warned against the “temptation to be efficient”, to look at things and people in a way that is devoid of human warmth. And he explained very clearly: “Our mission is to take care of life wherever it presents itself. And, either we get to the heart of it, or we do something else... What saves us is a heart that seeks to love, serve, because it is filled with God. Everything else is called efficiency. ”
Interviewed at the end of the experience, all 10 Provincials left their positive comment on the course they had attended:
“I thank all those who collaborated in this meeting of Provincials to form us, give us strength, energy and courage in view of our service to the confreres” (Fr Juan Pablo Alcas Michilot, Provincial of Peru - PER);
“I have had a beautiful experience in my Salesian life. You have helped and encouraged me to carry out my service in the Province” (Fr Anthony Boonlert, Provincial of Thailand - THA)
“To animate and govern with the heart of Don Bosco. Being here in Valdocco is always a return to Salesian sources, finding inspiration so one's heart is configured to the heart of Don Bosco and Jesus” (Fr Ademir Ricard Cwendrych, Provincial of Brazil-Porto Alegre - BPA);
“The most beautiful thing we had during this meeting was to share life with Don Bosco present nearby in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, and with Don Bosco alive, who is the Rector Major” (Fr Marcelo Farfán, Provincial of Ecuador - ECU);
“Thank God for Don Bosco, Mary Help of Christians and Mamma Margaret! Thanks to the Rector Major, to his Vicar, to the whole Council: it was the experience of a group where accompaniment was truly perceptible and demonstrated by closeness and availability” (Fr Don Bosco Lourdusamy, Provincial of India-Chennai - INM);
“It was a really good experience with the Rector Major and his Council, breathing the living presence of Don Bosco. And it was also nice to share experiences with my fellow Provincials. It was a beautiful time!” (Fr Michael Kazembe Mbandama, Superior of the Zambia-Malawi-Zubwe-Namibia - ZMB Vice-Province);
“For me it was a moment of growth in the charism and in the different and broad functions that this service entails” (Fr Julio Andrés Navarro Mora, Provincial of Central America - CAM);
“I had a profound experience of Don Bosco in this place, I experienced communion and felt a great peace here. All this will help me to look after the life of prayer, community, and pastoral care in my Vice-Province” (Fr Anacleto Pires Guiterres, Superior of the Timor-Leste Vice-Province - TLS);
“Thank you for this opportunity! It was an experience that has inspired me to serve others with courage and hope” (Fr Bartłomiej Polański, Provincial of Poland-Wrocław – PLO);
“Two weeks together, sharing the same dream, as well as the difficulties. The Rector Major and his Council helped us recognise our leadership role and responsibilities. Thank you for these beautiful days” (Fr Clive Telles, Provincial of India-Panjim - INP).
On the part of the Provincials, therefore, there was great appreciation for the wealth of experience they have had and the knowledge acquired for the benefit of their mission.