India – “Don Bosco Media Network” Outreach Program

10 May 2023

Umtong, India – May 2023 - Occasionally the team from Don Bosco Media Network in collaboration with the Don Bosco Youth Center visits different villages to aid underprivileged families by distributing  various items contributed by well wishers. On the 7th May this year the Don Bosco Media Network  team along with the Youth United For Christ prayer group visited Mawkynrew, Umtong village to distribute old clothes and others. The program started with the briefing of the program by Babu Donbok followed by the welcome address by Dondor who welcomed Father Michael Makri and the Don Bosco Media Network Team and all who were there in Mawkynrew, Umtong for the program. The Basic Christian Community of Mawkynrew sang a welcome song followed by a dance from the young people of Umtong. Father Michael Makri addressing the gathering extended his appreciation to the organizers, friends who had helped the team, and everyone present in the occasion. He shared his words of wisdom urging the people to do good deeds no matter who we are or where we are for the Almighty who created us wishes us to do good to one another. The programs ended with the distribution of various goods to families in need followed by the praise and worship conducted by the Youth United For Christ group. Present in the occasion includes Salesian Brother Barnabas Khriam, manager of Don Bosco Technical School Shillong, United For Christ prayer group, members and leaders of the Basic Christian Community Mawkynrew, Umtong, men and women, kids and young people.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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