Slovenia - Feast of St. Domenico Savio in parish of Mary Help of Christians in Ljubljana-Rakovnik
Ljubljana, Slovenia - May 2023 - On Sunday, May 7, in honor of the feast of St. Domenico Savio, in the Salesian parish of Mary Help of Christians in Ljubljana-Rakovnik, the parish's current altar servers and former altar servers gathered, a group with a long and prestigious tradition. Some of them, in fact, were welcomed among the altar servers more than 60 years ago, and before Mass they shared duties, which, of course, they completed flawlessly, while the currently active parish altar servers only observed. As the Director of the Salesian Youth Center in Rakovnik, Fr. Janez Suhoveršnik, SDB, who presided over the Eucharist, said, "We are grateful to the former altar servers for their good cooperation, companionship and example of Christian living."
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- Slovenia - Training of Salesian animators
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- Slovenia - Filippo Rinaldi's visit to Salesian work in Radna in 1926
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- Slovenia - Meeting of Salesian Youth Movement
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