Poland - Meeting of Directors of AWP Province works: pastoral work in favor of youth, refugees, aid to Ukraine, future projects

20 April 2023

Kutno, Poland - April 2023 - A meeting of the Directors of Works of the Salesian Province of Warsaw (PLE) was held at the Salesian House in Kutno. Activities in the Province were evaluated on the two days, April 17 and 18. On the first day, the participants talked about the activities of the oratories together with the Directors of the oratories, analyzing the current situation and future plans. The second day began with the Eucharist. The topics of the morning meetings were economic and administrative aspects. Representatives from the Economer's Office and the Strategy and Development Office presented the investments in the PLE Province, completed and ongoing projects, and also aid projects for Ukraine. Next, Fr. Piotr Sosnowski, Vicar of the PLE Province, presented the decree of the Polish episcopate on clergy in the media. At the end, there was time for questions and participants summarized their thematic interventions. Fr. Tadeusz Jarecki, AWP Provincial, thanked all participants for their pastoral work, visible in ongoing and implemented projects. He also expressed great support to the participants who are involved in the investments planned and implemented in the Warsaw Province.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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