The event was organised in an effort to animate and empower lay collaborators from different Don Bosco educational settings of the Province of Chennai so that they may truly live out the message of the Strenna 2023: As Yeast in Today's Human Family. The Lay Dimension of the Family of Don Bosco.
The program began with an introductory speech by renowned Tamil educationalist, Mr. Prince Gajendrababu, the general secretary of the Public Schools Platform. Drawing inspiration from the Gospels, the Indian Constitutions, and Don Bosco's preferential option for the poor young the keynote speaker emphasized the importance of the identity of educator as instruments who work to empower the young by enkindling the special light of Grace in each of them. The speaker shared his own experiences on how he was able to personally be an instrument of change in the lives of some difficult youths. This set the tone for the event, which aimed to help the participants to fine-tune their perspective on education.
This was followed by a short introduction to the various dimensions of the Salesian Youth Ministry by Fr. K.M. Jose, the former provincial of the province of Chennai. The educators learned about what their identity as Lay Dimension Coordinators (LDCs) in their respective settings entails and the co-responsible role they need to play. This would ensure that the dimensions of: education to faith, the educational and cultural dimension, social action and experience, the vocational dimension, and social communication, which are designed to help educators create a holistic and inclusive approach to education that focuses on the well-being and growth of the children, are truly lived out in each setting.
The programme also included focused, engaging, and interactive breakout sessions where the LDCs were provided valuable insights and tools to enhance their roles as dimension coordinators. These sessions were conducted by the province's animation centres such as DEEPAGAM (education to faith), DB KALVISOLAI (educational and cultural), DBYES (social experience), DBSARC (social action), DBICA (social communication), and VAZHIKAATTI (vocational dimension). The centre heads coordinated and animated the breakout sessions.
The LDCs of the Education to Faith dimension were animated by Fr. Kirubakaran SDB, the director of DEEPAGAM, Don Bosco Catechetical Centre. It began with a discussion on the importance of this dimension in every setting and how they may effectively help the young to mature in their faith, to grow into the stature of Jesus, and to be witnesses and agents of transformation in society. They also reviewed the content, methodology, and outcomes of imparting catechism and value education in Salesian schools.
The LDCs of the Educational and Cultural dimension were provided input on being servant leaders who empower others, by the DB Kalvisolai team coordinated by Fr. John Britto SDB. They also learned about different strategies to develop a positive and productive work culture within the educational environment and shared what should be the profile of a Salesian Educational Institution and that of a Lay Collaborator therein. Finally, they worked on framing a personal Mission Statement that was consonant with that of their place of service.
Fr. Christopher SDB, the Director of DBSARC (Don Bosco Social Action and Research Centre) animated the LDCs coopted for the social action dimension on the importance of promoting constitutional rights education among students. Through group discussions and sharing of experiences, they worked on chalking out plans and strategies, such as the starting of Human Rights Clubs, to inculcate social values and form the young into leaders who will emerge as leaders and catalysis of social change.
The Vocational Dimension coordinator Fr. James Raj conducted the group discussion for the LDCs of his dimension. The first session focused on possibilities and challenges in enlightening the students to choose their right career and the ways and means to assist and accompany students during and after school hours. Group sessions were organised in the afternoon to share and create awareness of the list of courses available after schooling. It concluded by drawing up an action plan for 2023-24 to effectively engage and encourage the students through various activities and programs.
Don Bosco Institute of Communication Arts (DBICA) is a twenty-five-year-old centre for Social Communications in Chennai Province. Fr. Ernest Rosario SDB, the director of DBICA, offered the LDCs of the social communication dimension input sessions on the formation of media clubs and the role of media clubs in each setting. They also discussed how to train the students to critically consume media. A special focus was given to understanding and addressing the rising digital addictions among the young.
The director of DBYES (Don Bosco Youth Empowerment Services) Fr. John Christy SDB animated the LDCs of the Social Experience dimension on the importance of groups and movements and how as lay coordinators they could work towards building a 'Family Environment' within the Educative and Pastoral Community and constantly reflect on and review the running, the educational effectiveness and the activities of the various youth groups in their settings. As the province Youth Ministry delegate he engaged and encouraged the LDCs in the final session of the day by presenting to them the DNA of Salesian Youth Ministry and the crucial role each of them would have to play as dimension coordinators.
Throughout the day, the LDCs had the opportunity to participate in interactive workshops and discussions, where they could share their own experiences and collaborate with other participants. The event was a great opportunity for them to gain clarity of identity and enhance their understanding of the Salesian Youth Ministry and develop new strategies to promote the holistic development of the young.
John Christy, SDB
Youth Ministry Delegate