Ukraine - Considerable humanitarian aid arrives for people of Kherson

31 January 2023

Kherson, Ukraine - January 2023 - A considerable amount of humanitarian aid donated by Salesian benefactors reached the people of Ukraine in time for the celebration of Don Bosco's feast day. The aid, part of the Salesian plan to support the Ukrainian population to cope with the winter, and consisting mainly of food, was deposited last Jan. 21 in a warehouse in Lviv, Ukraine. A few days later, they were delivered into the hands of the citizens of Kherson, thanks to the efficient work of the Bìbrka Salesians. Since it was occupied, for a time, by the Russian army, the city of Kherson has been experiencing great instability. People are suffering from a lack of water and electricity, and daily life is very difficult. So many people are unable to work and have lost their homes due to the bombing, but thanks to the generosity of the benefactors of the Salesian Family, those most in need have been able to receive long-life products - sugar, flour, rice, pasta, oil... This generous and close cooperation between the various groups that make up the Salesian Family makes it possible to help many people in need.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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