The intense work of the Commission was divided into two moments: the first was dedicated to the analysis and reflection, by the Formation Sector, on the situation of Formation currently in the Region. The second part, on the other hand, saw the Commission engaged in updating the CRF Regulation and in making proposals for the concrete implementation of the Regional Training Project 2020-2026.
On the morning of 24-26 October, the Commission worked on the Themes for Formation common to all the Regions. Each theme previously elaborated by the Provinces of the Region was examined and was subject to a careful reflection on the part of the Commission, to arrive at the formulation of concrete proposals. Fr Coelho, helping all to give thanks to God for the gift of young Salesians, recalled the responsibility one has in accompanying them. That is why it is important to continually ask ourselves what we can do to improve.
International communities, Fr Coelho argued, are not only a necessity of the time, but above all a Salesian "theological locale". The Congregation is a family and consequently internationality and interculturality are a richness that is part of the deepest Salesian identity.
On the last day, in addition to the updating of the CRF Regulations, there was a long reflection on the concrete choices to be made together as a Region, as a service of accompaniment to the communities and to individual Salesians, for the strengthening of the consecrated Salesian identity. The four thematic areas of the Project - Consecrated Salesian Identity in Shared Mission; Joint Formation in Shared Mission; Formation in Mission; and Formed to Form – the accompaniment - have all allowed us to choose different strategies and concrete interventions to be implemented as a Region.
The moments of prayer and fraternity lived together were very beautiful, at the places lived by Don Bosco. The pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Ignatius of Loyola in Lanzo Torinese, where for three decades Don Bosco lived his annual spiritual retreats was very touching and evocative. For everyone it was a moment of spiritual intensity and charismatic enthusiasm, reflecting on Don Bosco's own experience. The Commission concluded its work by celebrating the Eucharist in the Church of St. Francis de Sales.
Fr Tomë Mihaj, SDB
Secretary of the CRF - Mediterranean Region