VATICAN – In conversation with Fr Giuseppe Costa, a Salesian, Director of LEV

(ANS - Vatican City) - Fr Giuseppe Costa, Director of LEV, speaks to us today about Pope Francis and his communication style, LEV (Vatican Publishers) and the challenges of digital publishing, and its service at the heart of the Church.

How has communication of the Holy See changed with Pope Francis?

The institutional communication of the Holy See is in the process of change, with the establishment of the Secretariat for Communication. This will result in movement of personnel, restructuring and institutional and technological changes.

Pope Francis’s personal communication can be seen by all.  It is immediate, direct, and lively. It is the kind of communication that provokes and listens. His communication with the sick is particularly effective. His words are accompanied by gestures. The words are often onomatopoeic and say much more than what they mean literally. It is a global communication where gestures and words intertwine to convey the message.

Has there been any change in the service of evangelization carried out by LEV?

LEV is now included among the organizations that are part of the Communication Secretariat, whereas previously it depended directly on the Secretariat of State. There will be other changes in 2017. However, LEV has a solid balance sheet and a well-trained staff, able to face any change.

Our editorial policies are dictated by our Statute, which makes it an entity with the purpose of serving and spread the words and teaching of the Pope. It is our duty also to protect the rights of the Pope as author, and LEV provides an irreplaceable contribution to evangelization and to the mission of the Church by disseminating his teaching through thousands of contracts with publishers around the world.

How does LEV deal with the new challenges of digital publishing?

Every company must evaluate the costs and the return from taking on new technology. Years often pass between technological innovation and its economic use. Something similar is happening with digital publishing.

LEV sells digital rights and also produces its own materials in e-book. In the future there will be an increase to the extent that the market demand grows.

What does it mean for a Salesian to serve the Church in the Vatican and in social communication?

The Vatican is a micro-macro world. Its staff have an incredible international impact.   A confrere wrote to me from California saying that when he sees a book with copyright by LEV it makes him think of Rome! As a Salesian I live the charism of communication as something of our own, with pragmatism and professionalism. Not only that. Inside every publication there are ideas and projects to be implemented: to disseminate all this is no small thing!


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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