Brazil - National online meeting of Salesian Formators
Brazil - June 2021 - On 12 June the National Meeting of Salesian Formators was held in digital mode, guided by Sr. Susana Rocca, on the theme "Resilience in Salesian formation". According to Sister Rocca, resilience understood as the ability to overcome adverse situations is an effort of the human being of all times. The resilience paradigm proposes a change of perspective in the approach to the vulnerabilities of the human being, focusing observation on the ability of individuals and groups to resist and recover after experiences of great suffering. Instead of focusing on weaknesses, symptoms, diseases, deficiencies, we try to find out what are the positive strengths of the surrounding environment and the individual ability to react and overcome life's adversities. The meeting was coordinated by Fr José Ricardo Mole, Delegate for Formation of the Belo Horizonte Province (BBH), contact person for Salesian Formation in Brazil, together with Fr Ademir Ricardo Cwendrych, Delegate for Formation of the Province of Porto Alegre (BPA), with the presence of Fr Natale Vitali, BBH Provincial and Provincial referent for Salesian Formation in Brazil.