Santa Cruz, Bolivia - April 2021 - "Don Bosco en la Calle" (Don Bosco for the Road) is a service provided by the "Centro Techo Pinardi - Proyecto Don Bosco" to accompany young people who live on the streets of Santa Cruz, seeking their reintegration into families or a stable home. "The Service we provide is based on commitment and sensitivity to the reality of excluded children and young people," said Paolo Trevisanato, head of "Techo Pinardi". The initiative was born in July 2019, thanks to the collaboration of the Italian NGO "United for Solidarity Onlus", which for five months has activated a pilot project of street educators with the support of "APNA Bolivia"; it continues from January 2021, with funding for three years, thanks to the support of the Bonn Mission Office and “KinderMissionWerk”. Since March of this year, a mobile number +591 690 7934 has been activated with WhatsApp to report the presence of young people living on the street and to have the educational team intervene for a first contact and to analyze the situation for an appropriate intervention.