The team of the Missions Sector, composed of Fr George Menamparampil, Fr Pavel Zenisek and Marco Fulgaro, together with the General Councilor for the Missions, Fr Alfred Maravilla, illustrated the materials prepared, the theme, the journey of preparation and the objectives of this initiative.
The theme for 2021 is solidarity, specifically missionary solidarity which becomes Initial Proclamation, under the slogan "One father, one family". In these difficult times it is necessary to rediscover ourselves as brothers, children of the same Father, united in diversity, and to help one another, aware that the most important thing that can be offered is precisely to encourage an encounter with Jesus.
Each Salesian Province in the world can address this issue with the help of a brochure, prayers, posters, videos and a preparation itinerary, materials created with the contribution of many people from all over the world.
The project chosen for this year is to help the "Don Bosco" Salesian Center in Gumbo, South Sudan, to continue the precious work of caring for the sick, through the construction of a new building and the supply of medicines and medical equipment. The Salesian Mission Day, obviously, is not limited to fundraising but aims to strengthen the missionary culture in every Educational-Pastoral Community.
Five videos were produced for World Youth Day 2021 that bear witness to the vitality of the Salesians in responding to the needs of today's young people: from India, a contribution on the tragedy of migrant workers, worsened by the pandemic; from Europe, the experience of how to stay close to people and bear witness to God in the digital world; from Africa, collaboration between various civil society organizations, businesses, companies; from America, the inclusion of people who are most marginalized; from Asia, the splendid collaboration between the groups of the Salesian Family.
The materials are accessible and downloadable here, while the videos will be uploaded later.
"We can all make our contribution in helping our poorest brothers by aiming for a solidarity that is truly missionary!" say the members of the team of the Missions Sector.