Langata is a center for boys who have just been admitted to the program. They are boys from the streets and poor conditions. In Langata they stay from one to three years, before moving to other Bosco Boys centers. While working here I have had the opportunity to get to know these boys who - when met at streets - are often treated as invisible or burdens to society. And what great young humans they are! There is so much to learn both from the boys and the project in general.
The center offers them a change to be children as they should and enjoy their days the way only children can. It’s a pleasure to play and have fun with them, and it’s great to see how the trust and feeling of safety grows in them, when they get to use to the grownups around them.
My duties in the center are teaching, directing clubs and staying with the boys during break times. Every day during all those duties these children manage to surprise me. One day they are doing really well in class, another they show how extremely creative they can be. But mostly they surprise me during the break times.
Because of their history the boys have learned a lot of bad habits. They know how to lie, how to steel and how to fight. Often they react to different situations by defending themselves, one way or another. But at the same time when they choose so, and feel safe enough, they can be extremely kind and flexible. They share what they have with others, for example with roller-skates – when there’s not enough for everyone, they can skate with one so as many as possible can participate. When it comes to defending a friend, they do that fiercely, even if it means troubles for themselves too.
These are definitely good boys, who might not have a chance to show it without Bosco Boys.