Italy - Vatican - From 23 to 25 April Rome witnessed an invasion of more than 70,000 young people from Italy and the world. It was a colourful and festive celebration of young people for the Jubilee dedicated to them. There were three days of prayer, confession, the pilgrimage to the Holy Door, but also days of celebration and sharing for this Holy Year of Mercy.
Macaé, Brazil - April 2016 - Our Lady of Glory School of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians organized a collection of over 300 items to be donated to the city hospital of São João Batista.
Fukuoka, Japan - April 2016 - On 16 April Bishop Ryoji Miyahara of the Diocese of Fukuoka, presided at the diaconate ordination of the Salesian Taniguchi Ryohei. Fr Mario Yamanouchi, Provincial of Japan, was also present.
Roussillon, Italy - April 2016 – A day in honour of Venerable Stephen Ferrando was celebrated on 16 April in his birthplace Rossiglione (Genoa). The attendance included the local people, members of the Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians, founded by him, and members of the Salesian Family all of whom came to give thanks for the missionary life and evangelical witness of this son of Don Bosco.