Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - April 2016 – An International Meeting of Co-Partners for Development took place from 25 to 29 April. It was intended as part of the project to strengthen the Offices of Development and Planning of the Salesian works in Africa and the Caribbean. The project is the result of an agreement between the European Union, VIS (International Voluntary Service for Development) and the Salesian Family. The aim of meeting was to share experiences of development in the Projects Offices of the various Salesian Provinces also from the point of view of human rights. The conclusions were very positive and the excellent development in the two years of work was acknowledged.
(ANS - Monrovia) - One of the pastoral problems of Liberia concerns the family. The Salesians in the country are faced with a situation that sees a high number of de facto unions, children raised by a single parent, and girls who are already mothers when they should still be at school. The pastoral activity of the Salesians is also directed towards the emotional education of young people, not to mention the initiatives to promote religious activities and social works on behalf of the needy.
Many provinces are holding their Chapters these days to put into practice in their respective situations the lines of the 27th General. The reports of the meetings that reach us testify to the assiduous and constant work of the provincial communities in carrying out this task.