(ANS – Addis Ababa) – The mission visit to the Maria Kidane Meheret Province of Ethiopia (AET) by Fr Luca Barone, from Salesian Headquarters in Rome, with Fr Pietro Bianchi and Dr Riccardo Giannotta from the National Headquarters of the International Volunteering for Development (VIS), a Salesian NGO that has been working in Ethiopia with the Salesians for years, has ended.
(ANS – Syros) – Entering the country on 6 October 2024, the Salesians who will constitute the first community in Greece remained in Athens to study modern Greek at the university. Fr Alfred Maravilla, General Councillor for the Missions, accompanied them on a familiarisation visit to the diocese of Syros, Greece, from 14 to 16 December 2024, where they are expected to operate in the future.
Argentina – Celebrations begin for the 150th anniversary of the First Salesian Missionary Expedition
(ANS - Buenos Aires) - The Mater Misericordiae church in the Congreso district of Buenos Aires hosted the celebration marking the opening of the 150th anniversary celebrations on Saturday 14 December 2024, on the 149th anniversary of the arrival in Argentina of the first Salesian missionaries sent by Don Bosco himself and who arrived in Buenos Aires on 14 December 1875. The place was significant, as it is the first location where the missionary pioneers led by Fr John Cagliero, the future cardinal, settled.
Trai Gao, Vietnam – December 2024 – A solemn welcome and fervent exaltation were shown the Holy Cross, symbol of the 21st Youth Day in the Ecclesial Province of Hanoi. The Cross was delivered on 10 December to the parish of Trai Gao from the parish of An Lac, in the presence of Bishop Peter Nguyen Van De, SDB, Bishop Emeritus of Thái Bình, the Salesians, numerous religious and parishioners and, of course, many young people from the parish. Youth Day began with a brief historical excursus, followed by greetings and welcome to young people, invited to live and express the Catholic faith in life. The first day ended with an hour of prayer and adoration before the Cross. On 12 December the Cross was paraded throughout the parish, as a reminder that the Cross of Christ invites everyone to a spiritual conversion and urges everyone to be witnesses of the love that our Lord has offered for the salvation of the world.