India – Floods situation in Kerala. Bangalore Provincial Letter

17 Agosto 2018

(ANS – Bangalore) – Fr Joyce Thonikuzhiyil, Provincial of Bangalore, has sent a letter to his confreres, in the context of the severe rain and floods in Kerala.

Dear Confreres, the flood situation in Kerala has become more alarming with the rain still continuing in many parts of the State. It is causing severe damage to life and property of thousands of people. Flood water has entered our institutions at Don Bosco Angamaly, Don Bosco College, Mannuthy and Don Bosco Irinjalakuda. The area around Don Bosco Keezhmad in Aluva is badly affected though the institution is safe.

We are also informed of the severe damage suffered by the houses and property of the family of many Salesians. I would personally request the Communities in these localities to be of support to the families, our confreres and others in need of our assistance.

As an expression of our solidarity, the Province will certainly come to the assistance to the families and our confreres affected by the flood. Those who need any immediate support, kindly get in touch with the nearby Communities. As Public services like electricity, drinking water, telephone, internet connectivity, bank etc. and being affected, I would request the Communities take all the necessary precautions on war footing. Kindly keep sufficient money and stock provisions, medicines etc. to meet the emergencies.

Let us support each other during this time of emergency and pray that the situation may reach normalcy at the earliest.

May our Bl. Mother intercede for us!

Yours affectionately in Don Bosco,

Fr. Joyce (Mathew) Thonikuzhiyil, SDB


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