Lord Teach us to Pray! Reflections on Prayer
In evidenza

11 Luglio 2016

 “Lord Teach us to Pray! Reflections on Prayer” by Fr. Dominic Kaniyantharayil S.D.B is a welcome addition to the books on the spirituality of Prayer.

The author manages to adopt and integrate a healthy creative balance between the structural dimensions of prayer – which tell us what prayer is all about; and, on the other hand, the experiential core of   prayer - which helps us resonate with the concreteness   of the prayer reality in the here and now. And what I would consider, as it were, the “icing on the cake” are the “parables of prayer”, freely interspersed by the author, which evoke the experience of and facilitate the encounter with the God of love. A book well worth reading.

292 Pages, Kristu Jyoti Publications



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