Evangelising With Gentleness and Respect
In evidenza

07 Aprile 2020

Fr Jim Gallagher SDB explores some of the Church’s development in thinking and practice of catechetical ministry and evangelisation, particularly since Vatican II.

Drawing on his own experience as well as papal documents and church reports, Fr Gallagher shows that through evangelising with gentleness and respect, everybody can be bearer of the Good News. As Pope Francis stresses, Gospel joy is for all humankind, and no one is to be excluded.  

Don Bosco Publications, 83 pages

Further Information


ANS - "Agenzia iNfo Salesiana" - è un periodico plurisettimanale telematico, organo di comunicazione della Congregazione Salesiana, iscritto al Registro della Stampa del Tribunale di Roma, n. 153/2007.

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