RMG – Teresio Bosco Biography published 40 years ago

08 Mayo 2018
There is no translation available.

(ANS – Rome) – Already 40 years ago the Italian Salesian Fr. Teresio Bosco published his “New Biography of Don Bosco” with another updated edition in 1988. Since then this Biography was translated into some (estimate) 40+ different languages. According the Don Bosco scholars this is so far the best biography ever published. Fr. Teresio based his wonderful, popular and attractive narrative on the serious research of Don Bosco scholars like Fr. Pietro Braido or Fr. Pietro Stella and on his personal knowledge and research in the Salesian heartland of Piedmont.

Unfortunately this wonderful inside in the heart of Don Bosco is not yet available in many of our EAO provinces even after 40 years. As of know, probably not even the English version (51 chapters - 355 pages A4) is not yet visible or available in the communities of our English speaking provinces like FIN-FIS-PGS-AUL or MYM. So far we know only about the Korean, Japan, Mongolian, Thai and Vietnamese translation published in the respective provinces.

Fr Teresio Bosco masterpiece does offer rather deep insight in the social, economic, ecclesial and cultural background of Don Bosco times and realities in very simple and attractive style. Indeed he is known as one of the best narrators of Don Bosco to the young, to the young Salesians in both written and oral form.

We pray that this 40 years old Salesianity masterpiece will be available in most of the EAO languages, we pray for the respective translators to Tetun, Bahasa Indonesia, Samoan, Pidgin, Fijian, Burmese, Urdu, Chinese and ...

One of the EAO pioneers, Fr. Jose Carbonell writes from Spain (Alicante): "During three hours straight, I have been reading some pages of the New Biography of Teresio Bosco. All known already, but it is a pleasure to read it again... Congratulations for the good will in those who will translate in Tetun language. This reminds me when, just arrived to Indonesia in 1985, I requested the translation into Bahasa Indonesia of the book "Stories of Don Bosco" (Aneka cerita mi tentang Don Bosco). Yes, all ours candidates and young Salesians have read this book... and this book promoted many vocations also in Timor Leste…"

The full text of the Teresio Bosco Biography in English is available here.

Source: AustraLasia 


ANS - “Agencia iNfo Salesiana” - es un periódico plurisemanal telemático, órgano de comunicación de la Congregación Salesiana, inscrito en el Registro de la Prensa del Tribunal de Roma, Nº. 153/2007.

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