Papua New Guinea - Spiritual Retreat: The gift of fidelity and the joy of perseverance

13 Julio 2022
Foto:: Fr Juna Ola Amang and Fr Ambrose Pereira sdb

Boroko, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea – July 2022 - Archbishop Emeritus Francesco Panfilo, sdb preached the Spiritual Retreat to Consecrated religious of the Salesian Family. It commenced on the 3rd and concluded on the 9th July 2022, was held at the beautiful Emmaus Conference Centre, Boroko, Port Moresby and had as its theme: The Gift of Fidelity and the Joy of Perseverance’. The retreat was unique as it consisted of four groups of consecrated persons from the Salesian Family. 36 participants consisting of Salesian priests, clerics, brothers and deacons (18), Salesian sisters (13), Caritas sisters (3), an MSMHC sister and a diocesan priest. Two Salesian confreres also joined the retreat online.


Archbishop Panfilo a man of prayer, knowledge, insight and rich experience dwelt on several relevant topics. His insight into church documents and documents of the Salesians and Salesian sisters led the retreatants into deep reflections and life-changing experiences. “He is well versed in the knowledge of the documents of the church and the congregation. He has studied and taught them from his practical training days, as novice master and all through his different assignments”, said Fr Angelo Fazzini.

Opening the retreat, the preacher invited all to ‘Remain in the Love of the Lord’. The different sessions dwelt on the call and response; attachments and false priorities; temptation, rejection and persecution; hypocrisy, sin and the beauty of faithfulness, the service of authority and the joy of perseverance. Each person was led into a personal rediscovery of their vocation and a call to rekindle the flame of faith amidst the struggles and difficulties of their lives. “The retreat preacher has led us to examine and purify ourselves and find the right direction, as his chosen spouse, and pastoral worker for the education of the young”, said Sr Pamela Vecina fma.

Summing up the retreat, Sr. Alice S. Fulgencio, FMA, was grateful for the down-to-earth conferences that has provoked a deeper examination of her consecrated life. “I am confronted to look more profoundly into the radicality of my response, to renew my “yes” daily, to live my life fully given to God and to the young, to be a life-giving presence to everyone especially my Sisters and those entrusted to my care, to be faithful till the end. And as we celebrate the 150th foundation of our FMA Institute, I am deeply grateful for my vocation and I wish to live each day being more aware that I am a monument of Don Bosco’s thanks to Mary Help of Christians”, she said.

The participants enjoyed a faith filled retreat, wherein each participant felt the spirit of the Lord speaking directly to him or her. It has been a time of personal change. “I realize that this retreat is a moment of personal conversion as I reflect on my own vulnerabilities, frailties and misgivings”, said Fr Roger Miranda.
Newly arrived missionary Sr Lapynshai Khongwir MSMHC, appreciated this important retreat at the start of her mission in PNG. She realized that the Lord wants her ‘to be’ rather than ‘to do’ in her work and apostolate with the people, and prayed for courage and grace to be led by the Spirit of the Lord.

The Eucharistic celebrations, Liturgy of the Hours, Adorations and the evening rosary were moments of prayer and personal sharing with expressions of gratitude for one’s call to consecrated life. On 8th July, the participants of the different congregations renewed their vows to live, poor, chaste and obedient.

In the evening, the participants expressed their gratitude and appreciation to Archbishop Panfilo at a ‘Family Circle’ of lively song and dance. Renewed and refreshed, the participants now return to their institutions to engage with the young people entrusted to their care. Gratitude and thanks to all who have made this Spiritual Retreat an experience to cherish and remember.

Fr Ambrose Pereira sdb


ANS - “Agencia iNfo Salesiana” - es un periódico plurisemanal telemático, órgano de comunicación de la Congregación Salesiana, inscrito en el Registro de la Prensa del Tribunal de Roma, Nº. 153/2007.

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