Study Edition of the new “Directory for Catechesis”

18 Marzo 2021
There is no translation available.

“Word & Life Publications” team, headed by Salvatore Putzu, published the Study Edition of the new “Directory for Catechesis” - already 17th in the series of Church Magisterium “Study Editions” - started since 2004 with (Saint) John Paul II Evangelium Vitae. This work follows the well-established tradition of accompanying the official documents of the universal Magisterium with sets of “Study Aids” which are meant to help the readers and students master the content of the document and apply it in the light of the local context.

The “new” Directory for Catechesis - after the previous edition of 1997, published in March 2020 by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, is divided in 3 parts:

1. Catechesis in the Church's Mission of Evangelization

2. The Process of Catechesis

3. Catechesis in the Particular Churches

The Study Aids comprises

1. Quick finding thematic list of topics

2. Comprehensive subject index

3. Methodological suggestions

4. What's new in this Directory (1997> 2020)

5. Synoptic char of the three Directories

Printed copy of the new “Directory for Catechesis” is available at the Word & Life Bookstore in Makati, and online: 

Digital copy of the Directory is available at the bottom of the page.

Word & Life Publications, 456 pages


ANS - “Agencia iNfo Salesiana” - es un periódico plurisemanal telemático, órgano de comunicación de la Congregación Salesiana, inscrito en el Registro de la Prensa del Tribunal de Roma, Nº. 153/2007.

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