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(ANS - Bratislava) - "To donate life for the brothers was the ideal of Blessed Tito Zeman. He was arrested because he helped seminarians and priests to expatriate to live their apostolic ideal. His imprisonment was transformed into a sacrifice of redemption for others." These are some of the passages of the intense homily expressed by Cardinal Angelo Amato, SDB, representative of the Pope and Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, during the Eucharist celebrated on Saturday, 30 September, in Bratislava on the occasion of the beatification of Titus Zeman, Salesian priest, martyr.
(ANS - Bratislava) - There is only one day left to the solemn beatification of the Venerable Servant of God, Fr Titus Zeman. The liturgy will be presided over by Cardinal Angelo Amato, SDB, the Pope's representative and Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Among other participants, there will be the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, two of Fr Zeman's sisters, several nephews and nieces, friends and past pupils, as well as Fr Alois Pestun, 89, the last surviving member of the Salesian youths for whose vocation Fr Zeman pledged to save.
(ANS - Ayacucho) - The history of the Salesians in Ayacucho began over 75 years ago when the first Sons of Don Bosco arrived in the city of Huamanga, Ayacucho's capital, to help in the formation of priests. At the time, they initiated major works for the benefit of children, teenagers and young people. This year, they celebrated the anniversary of their presence in the "City of the 33 Churches" in the "Home of Liberty of Latin America" in grand fashion.
(ANS – Guwahati) – The 12th Annual National Seminar of Youth at Risk (YaR) on the theme “Restorative Justice and Children” was held at the Don Bosco Institute, Guwahati, on 18 and 19 September.