The "youth" phase in contemporary societies is a dynamic phase in which many changes occur in and around the life of an individual. The continuous verification of their values, the commitment and the involvement of the young, together with the accompaniment in the processes of growth and the revision of the choices made are issues that must be addressed and done in the family, in educational institutions, in society and in the workplace.
"Don Bosco Higher Education India" (DBHEI), the Salesian office dealing with IUS in India, wanted to create a space for reflection precisely to allow and foster this interaction.
The national conference offered an excellent opportunity for thinkers, youth workers, researchers, scholars, academics, principals and social workers to carry out a study of the current situation, through micro-studies, presentation of documents, sharing and input sessions.
During the conference the fundamental theme was discussed through several sessions on several sub-themes: social transformation (an integral perspective), social entrepreneurship, the perspective of NGOs, the perspective of community colleges, and more. All this offered a plurality of ideas to identify new paradigms.
In the round tables and in the workshops various reference models were examined: the Shepherded model of the “St Joseph” Institute in Tiruchy, the model of self-help groups, the Youth Movement model of the Federation of All Indian Catholic Universities Federation (AICUF), the Higher Education model, the Career Guidance model and the Youth Center model.
Among those attending the meeting were: Rev Fr Marcelo Farfán, IUS General Coordinator, Rome; Fr Maria Charles, responsible for National Youth Ministry; Fr Januarius Sangma, ING Provincial; Fr Agilan Sarprasadam, INT Provincial Vicar; Fr Maria Soosai, Secretary of the DBHEI; together with Deans and Directors of the IUS, Provincial Youth Ministry Delegates, university professors, researchers, volunteers and students, for a total of 85 participants.