The participation was of import for the number of Provinces represented by this team: the Inter-provincial Commission CIMAC-MESOAMERICA-ANTILLAS - which groups together the Provinces of Mexico, the Antilles and Central America of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA); the Provinces of the Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB) in Mexico, Antilles, Venezuela, Central America and Haiti, and the Daughters of the Divine Savior - and the NAC (North American Conference).
The main objective of this meeting is to continue the journey along the four guidelines indicated in the so-called ESA IV (the fourth meeting of the Salesian School in America, held in Medellín, Colombia, 2017), guidelines that marked the journey undertaken in the Salesian schools in the region through the years.
"We are here to verify the progress made and to share good practices in schools, as well as to have a formation that answers to those guidelines that have been proposed in Medellín," said Fr René Santos, ESA spokesperson.
During the work sessions the participants receive formation ideas on the educational needs of the students of the Salesian schools, on management and educational sustainability and on the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis, that is Christus Vivit, and also to share a family environment that fosters a comparison of different experiences in favor of Salesian schools.
As part of the gathering, the organizing team offered participants a visit to the representative sites of St. Oscar Romero and the Museum of the Central American University (UCA) on the martyrs of the war in El Salvador.