Fr Á.F. Artime also recalled the opportunity the Synod is for educators-evangelizers, and invited participants not to fear, as young people need to hear themselves asked, "what do you want to do with your life? What do you think God's dream for you is? How do you think to live your life as a gift and a service?"
The intervention of the Rector Major arrived on the afternoon of Saturday 22. Previously, the congress depicted the situation of young people in every part of the world: from the change of prospects currently taking place among young people in Africa, to the suspended condition between despair and hope in South Asia; from the intimate spirituality that is far from the institutions of so many young people in Latin America, to the search of protagonism that distinguishes the young people of Europe.
Why mgr. Falabretti, Director of the Youth Ministry Service of the Italian Episcopal Conference, was able to affirm that the next Synod is, indeed, about young people but it must also speak to adults and to the Church, to teach them "to live in the present, to walk alongside young people to return to being credible and give youth a future."
A thought also supported by card. Lorenzo Baldisseri, General Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, who declared: "We have an epochal need for quality adults."
In the last session, on the morning of Sunday 23rd, the Dean of the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences Auxilium, sr. Pina Del Core, emphasized the challenges opened by the Congress, and recalled that educating to choice inevitably involves "welcoming the mystery that accompanies every decision, a risky entrustment to something or Someone."
Fr Mauro Mantovani, Rector of the UPS, concluded that: "We are a Church, we are a family, we are for the young and this is precisely our mission."
With an inevitable selfie, the distinctive signature of today's culture, the congress ended, leaving the participants the task of conveying a message: to change the language, slow down the pace, and plan the future together with the young.
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