Animated by Fr Ivo Coelho, General Councilor for Formation, by Silvio Roggia, SDB, of the Dicastery for Formation, by the Salesian Brother Raymond Callo, Coordinator of Formation for the East Asia-Oceania Region, and by Fr. Jose Kuttianimatthatil, Coordinator of Formation for the South Asia Region, the participants share their experiences in the field of formation and training.
Initially, the group discussed the common challenges they face, such as the internationalization of formation, the impact of social networks on society and the need to bridge the generation gap. Then they discussed the wealth of experiences of multicultural training emerging from India, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, East Timor, Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar, judged as a marvelous treasure to be discovered.
In the following days, much attention was paid to formation in the world of "millenials". In fact, during the Sunday Eucharistic celebration, Fr. Ivo Coelho focused on a very delicate theme: how do we touch the hearts of young Salesians? Does our Formation touch the heart of the post-novices?
In the two morning sessions, moderated by Salesian Brother Mon, together with Fr Silvio Roggia, the group recalled the challenges awaiting the formators, but also the good practices to be followed. After two days of meeting, therefore, many points are emerging in common and the formators are sharing advice and experiences among themselves.
The meeting ends on September 4th, with the drafting of a model to be followed in the process of formation.