On Monday 3 April, the Executive Secretary of the DBI, Ángel Gudiña, was invited to present the principles of Salesian vocational training at a forum for young American and European leaders, organized by the "Fulbright Program". He was able to shed light on the fundamental pillars of Salesian education: the accompaniment of young people, the family spirit and the relationship of trust between teacher and student, quality professional training and holistic education.
On 4 and 5 April, the European Commission organized a meeting of educational networks, with the aim of reviewing the Key Competences Framework for Learning, 10 years after its approval. It was an opportunity to reflect on the skills acquired by students or recipients of the Salesian work in general, and to share the educational work done by schools, youth centres, Professional training centres and universities. The event concluded with the General Assembly of "SIRIUS", the education and migration network, of which DBI is one of the founding members.
The General Assembly of "Eurochild" on 5 and 6 April was attended by Fr Antoine Farrugia, SDB, José Luis Jiménez and Ángel Gudiña, who drew attention to Salesian activity in the education of children. During this meeting, a strategy was drawn up for children's participation in Eurochild. This provides for the creation of children's forums in many European countries with policies for the protection of children, essential to protecting the integrity of minors in their participation in the different public forums.
In addition, the three Salesian representatives contributed to launching the Eurochild Strategic Plan for the period 2019-2021. It aims to ensure the continuation of investments on behalf of children from European politicians and Member States of the European Union, given the alarming increase in child poverty in many European countries.
The opportunities offered by the EU to Salesians in Europe are increasing thanks to networking and promotion initiatives that the DBI has realized recently, and the consolidation of its position in the third sector of Social Action in Brussels.