Music stars gather to propose a mix of pieces of all musical genres, ranging from pop to rap, gospel to jazz, lyric to rock, soul to Christmas carols… pieces unified by the spirit of joy that in these days unites all, also beyond religious creeds. The performances, that are strictly live, are accompanied by a great orchestra directed by Master Renato Serio. The Concert will be broadcast in prime time on “Canale 5” on Christmas Eve, December 24th, and will be repeated in the afternoon of Christmas Day, December 25th.
The project sustained by the Concert, “Betlemme: Casa del Pane Casa di Pace”, aims at safeguarding and guaranteeing access to the food and the educative paths offered by the Bakery and by the Salesian Technical School to the families and the young people of Bethlehem who are in greater need.
The Salesians of Bethlehem have a great heart “made of bread”. With them, the bakery and the school offer food and nourishment to the families in need of the “Town of Christmas”, and to the most vulnerable boys they also offer an opportunity of studying and receiving a vocational training. The more this Bread of Peace reaches the homes, and the more people will come out of the risk of poverty and conflicts.
Further information on the project is available on