The meeting was chaired by the General Councilors for Youth Ministry: Sister Runita Borja, for the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, and Fr Miguel Ángel García, for the Salesians. Also taking part: Sister Ivone Goulart and Fr René Antonio Santos González, in charge of ESA accompaniment; Fr Tarcizio Morais, General Coordinator of the Schools and Vocational Training Centers for the Salesians of Don Bosco; and the sector managers of various Provinces and coordination bodies of the Salesian Family (CIB, CIMAC, CICSAL and CISBRASIL).
The meeting's theme was: “Salesian School of America, with young people, a sign of hope and a proposal for the future. Ongoing projects and permanent challenges, especially in this pandemic and post-pandemic period”. Its specific objectives were:
- Develop guidelines for the accompaniment of the Provinces in the commitment of a creative educational mission within the 4 axes elaborated in the Salesian School of America IV meeting (ESA IV);
- Present regional reports, by Conference, Region or Network;
- Identify the post-pandemic educational challenges that will foster more specific and stronger lines of action present in the Axes of ESA IV;
- Develop indicators that allow an objective evaluation of the ESA IV process (2017-2022), through a Matrix of Indicators with agreed levels of achievement, such as to serve as a proposal for evaluation by the Provinces.
After the greetings of the General Councilors, Fr Santos González read the minutes of the last meeting, which was followed by a formative moment organized by the General Councilors, respectively on the theme of the 28th General Chapter of the Salesians and on the Instrumentum Laboris of the XXIV General Chapter of the FMA.
Then followed the reports on the steps taken from January 2020 to today: the ESA identity card, the revision of the functions of the regional contact person, the Logo and the publication of the ESA IV book in Spanish. And with regard to the theme of the "Virtual Space", Sr. Patricia Parraguez presented the new website of the Salesian School of America.
On the second day, the presentations of the regional reports gave an account of the regional meetings and the actions already taken, set the place and date of the next meeting, and shared several good practices and useful materials. Among the specific topics addressed were: the accompaniment of the Provinces in the educational-creative mission along the 4 axes of ESA 4 in times of pandemic; the identification of challenges; the Global Pact for Education and the special year of Laudato Sì.
On the third and final day, the topic addressed was: the evaluation of the ESA IV axes, with ideas and proposals on the evaluation tool, by Sister Parraguez and Sergio Garay, a Chilean professor and researcher. There was also room for a discussion "towards an ESA V". The meeting ended with a moment of thanks to Fr Santos González, who leaves the current commission.