(ANS – Turin) – The presentation of the so-called "Social Saints" of Turin concludes today: apparently ordinary people, but in reality extraordinary, because they lived by putting God and their neediest neighbours first, forgetting about themselves. Precisely because of this commonality of attitudes and because of their shared existence more or less at the same time in the same geographical area, many of them knew each other directly and cooperated – or at least, shared a part of the journey together. And for this reason many of them are also remembered, with relics and panels, in the Casa Don Bosco Museum at Valdocco in Turin.

(ANS – Turin) – In the nineteenth century, Turin was a city in expansion, but many of its inhabitants lived in hardship. In this poor and degraded environment, however, there are those who did their best to help them. The most famous was Don Bosco, but he was not alone: there was also Cafasso, Murialdo, Frassati, Faà di Bruno and others. Canonised during the twentieth century and the early 2000s, they are called "social saints". Let's discover some of them together.

(ANS – Paris) – In the second and final part of his reflection on the spiritual legacy of Saint Therese of Lisieux from an educational point of view, Father Jean-Marie Petitclerc, Vice-Provincial of the Province of France-Belgium South (FRB), focuses on the constitutive elements of his "little way" and also establishes some parallels with Don Bosco and his educational thought. Here are his remarks.

(ANS – Paris) – On the occasion of a symposium organized by UNESCO at the Orne Departmental Council, Fr Jean-Marie Petitclerc, Vice-Provincial of the Province of France-Southern Belgium (FRB), was invited to interpret the legacy of Saint Therese of Lisieux from an educational point of view. He therefore drew a parallel between this and the educational spirituality of John Bosco. Today we publish the first part of his reflections on the subject.

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ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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