(ANS – Roma) – A perennial warning for the Salesian Congregation and for all its sons, never to lose sight of what should be the characteristics and attitudes in their actions to please God and serve our brothers and sisters: this is how Don Bosco interpreted another of his most famous dreams, that of the ten diamonds (Biographical Memoirs XV, 148-151), which took place in September 1881: on the eve of the feast of Saint John Bosco, in this Bicentenary year of the dream at nine years of age, we are presenting it once more below.

(ANS – Rome) –As we approach the feast of St John Bosco in this Bicentennial year of his most famous dream at nine years of age, for the readers of ANS we would like to propose a trio of dreams among the best known, most significant and most "prophetic" for the Congregation and the whole Church. We begin today with the one that went down in history as "The Dream of the Two Columns" (Biographical Memoirs VII, 169-171), whose content, so truly ecclesial, is often cited and recalled in many different places and circumstances, even outside the Salesian world.

(ANS – Rome) – Today closes the phase dedicated to missionary dreams as part of the journey through the Dreams of Don Bosco, in view of his feast and in the year of the Bicentenary of the Dream at Nine Years of Age. Today we recall the last missionary dream (Biographical Memoirs XVIII, 50-52), that Don Bosco had in Spain, in Barcelona on the night of 9-10 April 1886 and when he recounted it for the first time, among others to Fr Rua, his voice broke with sobs. Almost as if to complete the vision of the previous missionary dream, he still saw many lands then unexplored for his Salesians, many young people in need of their help and the Little Shepherdess who often appeared in his dreams, reminding him of that first vision of 1824.

(ANS – Rome) – Towards the end of his life Don Bosco continued to have visions and dreams concerning the development of his Work. Thus, in 1885, the chronicles report his fourth missionary dream, in which he glimpsed the future of the Salesian presence in Africa, in Australia and Oceania, and in China (Biographical Memoirs, XVII, 594-597). We offer it to you to rediscover it together in this journey among Don Bosco’s Dreams, in view of his feast day and in the year of the Bicentenary of the Dream at Nine Years of Age.

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ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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