Thailand – The 13 points for growth of the EAO Region

14 March 2017

(ANS - Hua Hin) – The last working session of the EAO 2017 TEAM VISIT was conducted in a family spirit. Before the final sharing of the Rector Major the full image of Don Bosco in the Meeting Hall was completed and Fr Angel read his 'last piece of the mosaic' - a prayer addressed to Don Bosco. Then there was a vote of thanks to the EAO Coordinators for all 6 Sectors: Formation - Br. Mon, YM - Fr. Jobeth (new!), SC - Fr. Drans, Missions - Fr. Fung, Economy - Fr. Satura, Salesian Family - Fr. Chong as well the EAO secretary Fr. Ditto.

In his final remarks the 10th Successor of Don Bosco shared 13 points in a simple way to focus on the integral vision of the Salesian Charism growth. “It does not matter if some province is slow or fast. What does matter is that all of us are journeying in the right direction with a clear Salesian vision:

  1. Appreciation for the constant growth in communion within the largest SDB region
  2. Appreciation of greater openness and mutual collaboration among the EAO provinces
  3. Clear vision as the main condition for a healthy Salesian charismatic identity growth
  4. Shared mission with the Lay People (mission partners) as an indispensable condition
  5. Salesian Vocation in two complementary forms - Salesian Brother and Salesian Priest
  6. Strong invitation to reach out, to go out of comfort zones (missionary spirit)
  7. Continue to prepare the ground for inter-cultural and international local and provincial communities
  8. Transparency, proper use of our assets and properties
  9. Formation as a high priority: Salesians as Servants of the Young, YM of process, Missionary vocation ad gentes
  10. Formation of formators, qualification plan and action for all provinces and delegations
  11. Strengthen and increase the Salesian Family in each province as our common goal
  12. Continue to push the AustraLasia and Boscolink (, sharing with the ANS and translations into EAO languages
  13. Accompany well all 6 Delegations as the Region blessed with the most delegations in the whole Congregation.

One of the EAO provincials shares his second team visit experience:

"This Team Visit involved us more than the previous one with it's different methodology, including more province group sharing. It helped us to be more realistic in our sharing and future decision making. There were less talks like in the school where you receive so much information. A mutual knowledge among the 95 participants from other EAO sector meetings helped to create a wonderful fraternity environment. The Rector Major was at the center of this encounter and he was well accompanied by his Councilors."

A very joyful family spirit was the trait of the last Thanksgiving Cultural Night moderated by Fr. Andy Satura (FIS) with contributions from all 11 provinces. It concluded with votes of thanks all round. The host provincial Fr. Theparat invited the Rector Major 'Come back to your home - to Hua Hin'!

The Team Visit was followed by one full day of Provincial and Economers meeting on March 11 in the same venue of Hua Hin Salesian Retreat House. The Rector Major left for Rome after lunch on 11 March with his Secretary.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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