Anyone who had known Venezuela a few years ago, and who has visited it in recent years, certainly does not recognize it. Venezuela was the richest country in Latin America for decades. Thanks to its enormous natural wealth and, especially, to its oil exports, it was one of the leading countries of Latin America. Unfortunately, the political, economic and social collapse of recent years has plunged the country’s standings and, according to data and estimates from the International Monetary Fund, it is already one of Latin America’s poorest countries in terms of per capita GDP.
According to UNHCR data, there are more than 4.5 million Venezuelan migrants and refugees in other countries. Colombia is the first country in terms of the number of Venezuelans hosted, around 1.3 million. Peru is the second with around 768,148. Faced with this situation, the Salesians of Magdalena del Mar, Lima, have opened a house for young people who arrive in Peru, where they are offered food and accommodation.
In consideration of the large number of Venezuelans, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked the Salesians to sign an agreement and to use the halls of the Salesian institute in the Breña neighborhood of Lima to set up temporary migrant assistance offices. It is expected to receive an average of 1,000 people per day.
Fr José Valdivia, SDB, Provincial Economer of Peru and head of the Venezuelan Youth House, explained that the cooperation agreement was made through UNHCR, a strategic ally of the Salesians and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and he also added that 80% of asylum seekers in Peru are Venezuelans.
In support of this operation, the young people who belong to the Don Bosco House joined the young Venezuelan migrants and refugees who live in the Magdalena del Mar neighborhood, also in Lima. For four days, the young Venezuelans worked hard, with the support of some UNHCR representatives, to set up the spaces in the Breña center to thus become the assistance offices for migrants and refugees.
The agreement reflects the efforts and commitment of the Salesian Province in the difficult situation faced by thousands of young Venezuelan migrants.