The 38 TVET Centres of EAO have become part of a capacity-building network called the Don Bosco Tech ASEAN. This is an initiative of Fr Klement Vaclav, SDB, the Councillor for the EAO Region, involving Don Bosco Mondo-Germany to facilitate the revitalisation of the many Non-Formal Training Centres of the EAO Region. After its first fiscal year, this meeting in Cambodia will clarify reporting formats, financial reports, past achievements and future plans to continue forming God-fearing apprentices and upright citizens.
The first day was set off by the welcome remarks of Fr Ceferino Ledesma, SDB, Provincial Delegate for Cambodia. This was followed by 3 days of sharing experiences, reports, and best practices, and planning, including the visit to the Salesian TVET Centre of Phnom Penh.
In one of the sessions, Dr. Duong Vuth, the director of SEAMEO TED (Southeast Asian Centre for Technical Education and Development), based in Phnom Penh City, was invited to share insights on collaboration among countries regarding Non-Formal Skills Training. He also praised the Salesians who work among the underprivileged youth and those who cannot continue with formal schooling, providing the youth of Cambodia with competencies for their future livelihood.
This meeting hopes to keep the Salesians continually aligned towards the Salesian Strenna of 2020 – on the theme “Good Christians and Upright Citizens” – and also be the answer to what the youth expect from the Salesians of today.
Br. Ephrem Santos, SDB
Source: AustraLasia