A "Good Night" in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians; present, many Capitulars who'd already arrived in Turin, many Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, lay faithful. A Chapter with a biblical flavor in its duration: 7 weeks to answer the question "Which Salesians for today's young people?"
The Capitulars will be intensely busy for the next few weeks until April 4, the closing date.
A Chapter in Valdocco to give strength to the vocation and charismatic identity of Don Bosco's disciples.
Fr Vanoli said: "Where the place of our origin is found, the place of our originality is also found."
The General Chapter returns to Valdocco after 62 years. The Chapter members are 242, representing the 7 Regions into which the Congregation is divided.
There are 66 nations to which the Chapter members natively belong, which for their mission are present in over 130 countries.
23 people attended the first General Chapter which took place in Lanzo Torinese in 1877, presided over by Don Bosco. Today, having arrived at GC28, the Chapter Members have more than multiplied: 242 in total among participants as per Law, such as the Provincials and the elected Delegates, and the permanent guests as observers, appointed Provincials, Delegation Delegates.
Let us not forget that among the participants by right are the 16 confreres of the Central Office and the Rector Major emeritus.
To these already abundant numbers, the young and lay collaborators invited to participate for a week are to be added.
All these numbers tell of a universal and missionary Congregation which finds, in the distinction of origins and languages, experiences and personal stories, the highest moment of convergence and unity.
Today, Monday 17 February, the presentation reports of the Sectors and Regions by members of the General Council begin.
Tomorrow, Tuesday 18 February, the Rector Major's report on the state of the Congregation will be broadcast live on the ANS Facebook page.