The three essays are in the STUDIES sector:
Kristu Jyoti College, Bangalore: storia e significato dell’apertura della prima istituzione salesiana nell’arcidiocesi di Bangalore – parte III, i.e., “Kristu Jyoti College, Bangalore: history and significance of the opening of the first Salesian institution in the archdiocese of Bangalore - part III”, is the contribution of Fr Thomas Anchukandam. It presents the evolution of the institute in accordance with the agreements of the Second Vatican Council and follows the directives of the 19th General Chapter of the Salesian Congregation, achieving a development appropriate to the times and in line with the socio-cultural and religious context of India.
The study I cardinali protettori della Congregazione Salesiana (1879-1970). Cenni storici di un’istituzione singolare, i.e., “Cardinal protectors of the Salesian Congregation (1879-1970). Historical notes of a singular institute”, by Fr Miguel Canino Zanoletty, analyzes an institute that played an important role in the first decades of the Congregation's life.
Gli anni viennesi del Giovane Mario Marega 1916-1918: futuro missionario salesiano in Giappone, i.e. “The Viennese years of the young Mario Marega 1916-1918: future Salesian missionary in Japan” is the research paper written by Stanisław Zimniak. The author has managed to reconstruct a period of life of a great Salesian, so far little known, but central to Salesian history and also to the knowledge of Japanese history, as he was a passionate scholar of history and culture of the Empire of the Rising Sun. Research shows that his Viennese years were marked by an intense religious life and made him decide to become a Salesian.
In the SOURCES sector: two original texts are presented
Quarantacinque giorni sulle rive del fiume Azopardo i.e., “Forty-five days on the banks of the Azopardo River”, tells the story of an expedition sent to an unknown land to end the progressive extinction of the natives in southern Patagonia.
Regolamento della Compagnia del SS. Sacramento, i.e., Regulations of the Compagnia del SS. Sacramento, established shortly after the Company of the Immaculate to promote daily attendance at Communion, service to the altar and devotion to the Eucharist with repair intent. The text proposes the critical edition of the regulations, accompanied by that relating to the group of ministrants.
The issue is completed by the PROFILE of Andrzej Świda (1905-1995): salesiano con mente aperta e sguardo lungimirante, i.e., “Salesian with an open mind and forward-looking gaze”, presented by Fr Grzegorz Jaskot; also of note, two contributions in the NOTE sector, respectively on the Salesian contribution to technical and vocational training in India, and on anthropology and the missionaries in Panamazzonia; REWIEVS of publications on Salesian personalities and activities; and BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS.