The Salesian community and the teachers are working every day thinking about the welfare of children and young people, as Don Bosco did. Although classes are suspended, the teachers are helping in the school, carrying desks and tables, sorting out and distributing donations of food to needy neighbourhoods, and so on. "They are working to assist the people and to help to gradually overcome the difficult situation caused by the earthquake."
One of the tasks of the Salesians and teachers is to accompany people who are traumatized, but they do not forget the condition of thousands of students who "are living with nothing to do" because there is no longer a school, or a place where they can go. The Salesians have already started demolishing the building damaged by the earthquake, in order to meet as soon as possible the needs of the thousands of children and teenagers that are "more in need than ever of a home that welcomes them and a place where they can play."
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