This week the protagonist of the interview is Salesian Coadjutor Luigi Zonta, who illustrates the facade of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians. "The Basilica was born first of all from a dream of Don Bosco," begins Br Zonta who then, with great enthusiasm, focuses on the facade's architectural features, especially on the columns that "give a sense of support to the whole facade."
RMG – GC28: Salesian Coadjutor Luigi Zonta illustrates façade of Basilica "born of Don Bosco's dream"
(ANS - Rome) - 122 days from the beginning of the 28th General Chapter, the third video of the series "Interviews with the eyes of ..." is presented, the project carried out by ANS in collaboration with IMEComunicazione through which members of the Community of Valdocco guide us to discover Salesian places and history.
- RMG - "Our birthplace": Fr Luca Barone leads us to rediscovering Colle Don Bosco
- RMG - CG28: Valdocco Vocational Training Center as told by Director Marco Gallo
- RMG - "Casa Don Bosco House" project continues, to rediscover Salesian history and places
- RMG – CG28: Br Luigi Bacchin narrates history and evolution of Valdocco print press
- RMG – GC28: The sense of welcome explained by Fr Rafael Gasol
- RMG – CG28: Don Bosco statue in front of Basilica of Mary Help of Christians explained by Fr Bruno Ferrero
- RMG - GC28: Valdocco Salesians guide us to rediscovery of our roots and identity