This Network team of centers and operational services has existed since 2008 with a 6-year strategic plan. In fact, in 2014 a new plan was evaluated and completed which will be completed in 2020 and another will be generated in accordance with the guidelines of the General Chapter, the guidelines for Youth Ministry and the region's social state.
From 6 to 16 September, the team of the "Network of Works and Social Services for Young People at Risk" met in the Dominican Republic to analyze and evaluate the 2015-2020 strategic plan, to review, update and promote the work as a team across the region and to prepare for the 2020 delegates meeting.
It was possible to gather important information that motivated the network's consolidation with the aim of contributing to the quality and visibility of the 193 Salesian Centers that work with young people at risk.
Research based on the reference framework indicates that there are 34 programs that serve street children, 14 programs for children with special needs, 6 centers working with young people who use psychoactive substances - HIV AIDS, 14 programs at the service of migrants and immigrants, 98 programs offering recreational curricula, 39 programs inserted in working-class areas, 23 family support centers and 15 centers that promote women.
The team's objective is to standardize the processes of the 14 provinces (19 countries) and improve the quality of the service offered to over 60,000 vulnerable and at-risk people in the region.
As a result of this meeting the team prepared a project to ask for the support of the Rector Major to consolidate three important aspects: management (team and office), marketing communication and formation for all the people who are part of the network, so it is configured once more as a visible and sustainable network.