The “Oratory on Vacation” (OVA) was held at the Salesian Missionary presence in Guajira. As part of this initiative, the young animators visited several homes with the desire to offer joy and hope in this rural area marked by a strong indigenous culture and struck by extreme precariousness and widespread violence.
Even in this context, however, people welcomed the good news that Jesus lives among us. Thus, on the day that the Chapel of Mary Help of Christians was inaugurated in Molinete, 28 young animators, a group of Salesian Cooperators and about 200 children and young people were present at the solemn Eucharist presided by Fr José Vega, SDB.
The Salesians of the “San Luca” Province of Venezuela (VEN) undertook a commitment to bring hope to the Venezuelan people, discouraged as they are by the many calamities and violence; full of empathy and solidarity for the people entrusted to them, the spiritual Sons of Don Bosco continue to promote life and hope, with the desire to extend the Kingdom of God among the most needy. And the experience of the Oratory on Vacation was just the most recent effort.
At the end of this festive and joyful week, a Eucharist was celebrated, during which the participating children gave their testimony, highlighting the values learned. They explained that “it is important to share what we have with our mates; it is urgent to be in solidarity with one another; one must be joyful, take advantage of time with friends and companions and be able to forgive.” This experience was a magnificent testimony of dedication and educational contribution with the participants being offered music, theater, drawing, sports and dance workshops.
Moreover, during the time of the Oratory on Vacation, it was possible to notice the presence of Providence, which, as in the days of Don Bosco, “put bread on the table of the kids.” And the children and collaborators thanked God with songs and smiles for the sharing as in an authentic family.
Meyber Espinoza, SDB, trainee