In 2019, for the second consecutive year, there were over one thousand young people involved in the mission. They are pupils and past pupils of the Salesian Schools Network, young people who attend social works, parishes, institutes of higher education and oratories of Salesian presences in the State of São Paulo.
Accompanied by more than 100 leaders and spiritual assistants, in a climate of Salesian youth spirituality constantly alive and joyful, the young people divided themselves into groups in the parishes of 11 cities within the State of São Paulo: Alambari, Angatuba, Cajuru, Cunha, Jacareí, Lorraine, Morungaba, Rio das Pedras, Saltinho, Tatuí and Tuiuti.
For a week the groups of boys, girls and young people made their operative bases in the parish structures, from which they then departed every day on an expedition: they carried out visits and blessings in the houses, animated liturgical celebrations and workshops and games with the community, offered training sessions ...
Some groups also visited organizations active in the social sector or helped organize the feast of the patron saint, such as the Salesian groups of Americana, Araraquaraquara, Araras and São Carlos, who were on a mission in the city of Cajuru and actively participated in the novena to St. Benedict, patron of the local parish, whose liturgical feast was celebrated on 11 July.
Now empowered by the experience of 25 editions, Mission Week is more and more a pastoral project with a double value: on the one hand, it leaves an important mark in the communities that welcome the young people, who are contaminated by new joy, faith and spirit they carry with them; on the other, it also indelibly marks the young missionaries, who have the opportunity to learn about new realities, help other people, deepen the Salesian charism, form groups and networks, put themselves on the line and make their talents available in an unusual way.
Anderson Bueno