Fr Jiménez is from Tarifa, and is 59 years old. Faithful to the Salesian charism, he ensures that "education and evangelization of young people, especially the most disadvantaged" is promoted in the homes for which they are responsible. The daily work encompasses several fronts: reception centers for minors who do not have families, for orphans because of the war, for children who have been rejected - sometimes driven from home because they are accused of witchcraft.
For all these children the Salesian houses have developed an extensive system of vocational training. "We have carpentry, masonry, automotive mechanics, welding …," says Fr Jiménez. For the Salesian the main objective is that all of them have a future. "Our intention is to give these young people the opportunity to have an education and training that allows them to be autonomous and independent in life. The goal is reintegration: with the family, when possible, and when it is not, at least social."
The Salesian houses also have primary and secondary schools, which are also attended by children who have a family behind them; and several also have a parish, to foster evangelization in support of the local Church. "In the end, each house makes an analysis of the situation of the place where it is located, sees what the most urgent needs of the population are and establishes the services that can be most useful."
Fr Jiménez knows the reality of the Democratic Republic of Congo well, and explains that there are other diseases besides the infamous Ebola. "Ebola creates an almost immediate death, but the truth is that in Africa in general and in Congo in particular, a disease that has caused and continues to cause more deaths is Malaria."
The Salesian religious recognizes that Africa must face and deal with many problems; and yet "there is a series of values that unfortunately are ignored, and only the pained and miserable face of African countries is presented. To me, an African by adoption, all this hurts. In Africa there are not only problems; there is also life and hope, and this is what makes us happy to spend our lives for these people who are worth our dedication."
Source: COPE