Faced with this reality, the Salesian Social Platforms of Spain work to accompany the processes of reception and integration of those who require international protection. They mainly accompany children, adolescents and young people, most of whom come to the country unaccompanied; but they also develop programs to assist their families and especially vulnerable adults. Overall, the various bodies who are part of the State Coordination of Salesian Social Platforms assist over 500 people, including refugees and applicants for international protection.
Particularly noteworthy is the vast reception program for applicants for international protection and refugees between 18 and 26 years: doubly vulnerable young people, due to age and social situation, who find themselves without any family support network and without access to housing or decent employment.
In view of the International Refugee Day, which is celebrated tomorrow, June 20, the Salesian Social Platforms of Spain, through the campaign #TuVozTambiénEsRefugio (Your voice is also a refuge) want to renew their commitment to the reception and inclusion of those seeking international protection and for all those who live in situations of vulnerability in society. For this reason they invite the members of the Salesian Family, Christians, governments and all citizens to guarantee the necessary means to defend the rights and dignity of refugees and applicants for international protection.
In order to ensure adequate reception conditions, the promotion of their integral development and the promotion of integration, the heads of the Salesian Social Platforms emphasize the need to improve the system for the request for international protection. "Currently," explains an expert specialized in the reception procedures of the Salesian Social Platforms, "we are concerned about the time it takes between the request for protection and the appointment to examine the case; for example, if today you ask for an appointment for renewal, they will fix it for you any time from now to (as much as) 5 months."
The educators of the Salesian Social Platforms, through their profiles on social networks, are sharing the hashtag #TuVozTambiénEsRefugio, with which they tell the testimony of young refugees and applicants for international protection, to give them a voice and to make their stories, their efforts and courage visible.