In the embrace between land and sea of the Cinta Costera of Panama, the youth of the XXXIV World Youth Day accompany Jesus on the way of the Cross, reliving "a path of suffering and loneliness" that unfortunately, even today, is repeated in the faces of migrants forced to abandon their land, women stripped of their dignity, young people deprived of dreams and hope, discarded elderly, children to whom childhood is refused and, not infrequently, the right to birth: all in the "satisfied and anesthetizing indifference of our society", peopled by armored or walled up hearts. The speech that Pope Francis pronounces at the end of the Way of the Cross of WYD takes on the contours of an intense prayer addressed to God the Father, recognizing also the responsibilities of those who consider themselves friends of the Lord.
Pope Bergoglio enumerates, like many pieces of a mosaic, the many dramas that disfigure the contemporary world: how many, for example, "instead of solidarity, by a society full of abundance, find rejection, pain and misery, and moreover they are indicated and treated as carriers and responsible of and for every social ill"; the "resigned loneliness of the old abandoned and discarded"; the native peoples, "stripped of their lands, roots and culture"; the "cry of our mother earth, which is wounded in its bowels by the pollution of the atmosphere, by the sterility of its fields, by the filth of its waters, and which is seen trampled by contempt and by the crazed consumption beyond all reason."
The Pontiff reiterates that the Church wants to be present "in the life and crosses of many Christs who walk beside us"; like Mary, she wants to learn "to say 'yes' to the stubborn patience and creativity of those who do not lose heart and start all over again in situations where everything seems to be lost."
To all Pope Francis remembers that walking with Jesus always represents a "grace", "because he commits us to live in faith and to know Him"; and a "risk", because "His words, His gestures, His actions contrast with the Spirit of the world, with human ambition, with the proposals of a culture of waste and lack of love."