In fact, as a result of this crisis, the situation has worsened and the population is in alarming conditions, because this crisis affects all areas of life: food, access to water, health, safety, means of livelihood.
The Salesians, aware of the need to support and help people in a concrete way, are committed to improving the lives of women by developing a project for the production of soap.
A project to improve the lives of women is always of great value. And now, thanks to this Salesian initiative, over 50 girls and young women from the village of Touba will be able to improve their lives, because they will have the opportunity to be trained in the production of soap and start a small emporium where they can market the products they produce. .
With this initiative, the Salesians and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians who work with the most vulnerable populations are offering the opportunity to support local development in an inclusive way and to strengthen the role of women in rural areas such as Touba.
The formation of the girls and young people helps them to improve their economic resources and those of their families. They themselves can become the protagonists of their lives and make changes possible to improve the health, nutrition and education of their families.
In the same space where the lessons will be held and where soap will be produced, there will also be a place where girls and young people can play recreational activities. It will thus be a place for formation, but also for meeting and sharing experiences.
Without a doubt, this is a concrete project in favor of the fundamental rights of women and of support for the population in the middle of the alarming current humanitarian situation.